Every finger has its day, handwritten on a square piece of paper and held on palm with fingers

Why do we have five fingers? Not three or four, or six or eight? Evolution decided that this was the optimal number for the various tasks we need to perform. It made each one unique— giving each one a different shape and/or a different length. No two fingers are alike. Every finger has its use, and every finger has its day!

The index- the first among equals

Take today, for example. Today is voting day in our constituency. It is the Day of the Inked Index Finger. Everyone who is keen to let everyone else know that they have done their duty as a conscientious citizen of the country has uploaded an inked indexie on their social media — with or without their accompanying faces. Its quite another matter that people have shown greater interest in the accompanying diamond rings, manicures and nail varnishes than in the indigo streak on the index finger. Nevertheless, the index is the star of the show today.

Without pointing a finger at the others, (though pointing is its birthright), the index is indeed the first among equals. It has been granted an enormous degree of autonomy by being endowed with its own special muscle, which enables it to do much precision, delicate, detailed work alongwith its partner, the thumb.

Thumbs up

The thumb too, has its day. The Thumb Appreciation Day. And quite rightly too. It is the placement and length of the thumb that distinguishes us from our nearest cousins – the apes. Our long, flexible thumbs which can move to oppose our fingers ‘pad to pad’ is what made us capable of a strong grip and precision work. We can hold the pen and the paintbrush, the scalpel and the sword with equal ease. We can create lifelike statues and inspiring artwork, perform miraculous surgeries even while we tie shoelaces, stitch buttons, chop vegetables and a whole lot of other mundane chores—courtesy our thumbs. Though our thumb very much deserves a thumbs up, it is wise not to stick out like a sore thumb. Remember too that one thumb is all we need—being all thumbs is no good at all!

Digitus impudicus

Onto the next finger. The finger in the middle. The tallest of them all. And the biggest bully of them all. Scientists have not quite figured out why it needs to be the biggest—a quality we share with apes; though they posit that it helps us get a good grip on things. Certainly it must be fulfilling a useful function, other its widely recognised one. For the extended middle finger is the recognised symbol of insult, contempt, defiance or offence. Politicians, singers, musicians and ordinary people all have embraced its timeless appeal. Its Latin name says it all – it is the digitus impudicus! And yes, the gesture dates back to to the Ancient Greeks and Romans!

We move on to its neighbour – the ring finger. This least-used of our fingers — the digitus medicinalis or the digitus annularis has been associated with magical properties in some cultures. But why was it chosen for the wedding or the engagement ring? In the days before anatomy laid the blood vessels bare, a vein was said to travel straight from the ring finger to the heart. This was the vena amoris – the vein of love. It forged a deep hand-to-heart connection and so became the favoured location for the engagement and the wedding ring. Though medical science snuffed out all the romance, it did provide us with an interesting tidbit. Sensation in the ring finger is split between two different nerves, so maybe, there is a touch of magic in the ring finger!

Pinkie promise

And finally onto the littlest of them all. The pinkie. A little timid and hesitant, it takes its nearest sibling along when required to flex its muscle. But make no mistake; it is no weakling. The little finger has worn the badge of power—the signet ring of royalty—for centuries. It has changed the course of history; for many are the rich and powerful who have have been wrapped around the little finger of their lovers! And when two pinkies lock together, it sets the seal of bosom friendship – the pinkie promise of childhood. And when a pinky is raised, nature calls, and its wise to not to keep her waiting!

There you have it. A thumbnail sketch at your fingertips. From the littlest to the biggest, every finger has its day!